
Does it also work for IE10?

stratboy opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, as per the title: does Yall also work for IE10?

Doubt it. I haven't tested, so I don't know for sure, but if it does work in IE10, it's entirely by accident.

Trying to understand: shouldn't it be working on older browsers, IE10 and other previous ones?

It says that whereever Intersection Observer is not available (including polyfill), it falls back to scroll/touch/orientation change -- so I tend to think that it will work on all older, just like the earlier packages, eg

I am new and exploring this package for possible production usage.

I am new and exploring this package for possible production usage.

Me too

After investigating, it appears yall.js does not work for IE 10, mostly because it uses the dataset feature to manage data- attributes. I considered flipping these back to use getAttribute, but doing so would be a non-trivial change due to the script's current architecture.

Therefore, I will not be modifying this script to work with IE10, and to be fair, I had misgivings about doing so in the first place. IE10 represents, by far, a vast minority of browsers in use (0.1% globally according to There may be some corporate intranets that still need to use it, but even so, I would have to think most of these organizations have updated to IE11, which yall.js supports.

I understand this might be disappointing, but I have to draw a line. To me, that line starts at IE10 (and earlier). I didn't make this decision lightly. Fortunately, there are a high number of IE10 compatible lazy loaders out there. lazysizes is one such option that works all the way back to IE8, even.

Closing for now.

I understand this might be disappointing

No you're not, no worry. It's true IE10 is not to be considered too much. I asked only because one of my clients still uses is, as you said, in his intranet. But I think I can use your script anyway someway.
Thank you for your code, regards.

So, somewhat opportunistically, the latest release of yall 2.2.1 now works in IE 10. I was able to remove use of the dataset feature. This doesn't mean IE10 is officially supported by yall, but I can verify that basic functionality works in this release through a Windows 7/IE 10 VM.