
Accuracy House + Room + Navigation don't work

luskin opened this issue · 7 comments

if you choose location accuracy house or room you get no responses...

This is happening for me too, except house is working for me. House is the most detailed I can get.

Same error for me. Hard to use it without these accuracies.

Any solution to this? Or perhaps a suggestion for other pod?

No solution, I had to end up not using this package.

Take a look to 1.0.0 and tell me if it works

Use 1.0.0, get this issue. With .Block all work correct.

I've made some further investigations and I've found a logic error (fixed in 8058990 and available in 1.0.1 I'll publish in less than an hour).

In fact both .Room and .Navigation uses kCLLocationAccuracyBest and kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation which does not mean a valid fixed value (a CLLocationAccuracy which identify the meters of uncertainly) but the best value which the phone can achieve (by consuming higher energy).
So the value we can accept for both the value is < kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters. If you use .OneShot you will receive the first value below kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters GPS module can receive. Theoretically with .Continuous location scan you may receive better values (this always depends by several external factors).
I'll publish this update quickly. Thank you for your report.