
Language Translations Wanted!

Opened this issue · 6 comments

With Beta 8, 3RVX 3.0 now supports translations for the Settings app and context menus (Descriptive error messages are coming next, but don't even exist in English yet...). It would be really helpful if any folks out there that would be willing to translate could help out... Documentation and a translation tutorial will be forthcoming. For now, the TestLanguage.xml file provides a simple example.

[Done] Chinese Simplified

Awesome, thank you! Did you run into any issues while making the translation? I did notice that it's not translating hotkey names at the moment, that'll be something I need to fix...

OK, Good.

[Done] Spanish translation
I don´t know how to test the translation, please do it for me.


Thanks, I'll try it out today!

[Done] Brazilian-Portuguese translation
Tested, in "Hide delay (ms):" its become "Atraso para esconder (ms):" but dont show " (ms):" because it dont have enough space