Project_CoDs_model1 Electrical setup for architechral model. Physical model and light board setups. deverloping achitecturel model for newly building westewater treatment plat in Kandy. This repo represent the light, motor control codes.
Also this servers as projectlog file
- Install arduino
- Test arduino mega
- Test ESP8266MOD arduino--> files --> preferance --> Additional board manager URLs: arduino--> tools--> board--> Boards Manager i. Scerch: ESP8266 --> install ii. Select board--> WeMos D1 R2 & mini iii. In repo: Project_CoDs_model1-->Test_dev--> wifi_mod--> test1
- Enabaling wifi to wifi comuniction Inside Test_dev/wifi_mod/Test2 contains "ArduinoJson" folder Create zip folder from it. It is an arduino libry includeing headdres for ESP8266 trasmitter and receiver module. Include that libry to the ArduinoIDE from Sketch-->Include Library-->Add .ZIP Library
- upload esp8266_receiver.ino and esp8266_transmitter.ino to two divices.
- Serial read the receiver module from arduinoIDE.
- Physical system faliure due to 12V input to 5V leds. Fixed on site.