
About the gating mechanism

Punchwes opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi @svjan5 ,
After reading your source code, I have found some places that make me confused. In the paper, the formula you mentioned is like:
And where:
while in your code, it is like this:

with tf.name_scope("in_arcs-%s_name-%s_layer-%d" % (lbl, name, layer)):
	inp_in     = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_in, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_in, axis=0)
	adj_matrix = tf.transpose(adj_mat[lbl], [0,2,1])
	in_t 	   = self.aggregate(inp_in, adj_matrix)							
	if self.p.dropout != 1.0: in_t    = tf.nn.dropout(in_t, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)
	if w_gating:
		inp_gin = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, tf.sigmoid(w_gin), axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_gin, axis=0)
		in_act  = self.aggregate(inp_gin, adj_matrix)
		in_act   = in_t

It seems to me that the calculated in_t or inp_in is never used when enable gating which might not align with the formula where there is a multiplication in between. And the weight w_in and w_out would never be updated in the code. May you please give me some information how the calculated in_t or the w_in and w_out are used under gating mechanism in your code?

Many thanks.

Hi @Punchwes,
Thanks for pointing it out. It seems like made some error while simplifying the code. I am sorry for the trouble. Please check now and let me know whether it is consistent or not.


Hi @svjan5 ,

Thanks so much for the update, it seems that some codes are forgot to be modified when making the change:

with tf.name_scope('in_arcs-%s_name-%s_layer-%d' % (lbl, name, layer)):
	inp_in     = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_in, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_in, axis=0)
	adj_matrix = tf.transpose(adj_mat[lbl], [0,2,1])

	if self.p.dropout != 1.0: 
		inp_in = tf.nn.dropout(inp_in, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)

	if w_gating:
		inp_gin = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_gin, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_gin, axis=0)
		inp_in  = inp_in * tf.sigmoid(inp_gin)
		in_act  = self.aggregate(inp_in, adj_matrix)
		in_act  = in_t

In the else section: the in_t is not defined yet, in_t = self.aggregate(inp_in, adj_matrix) seems to be deleted. And at the out_arcs block:

with tf.name_scope('out_arcs-%s_name-%s_layer-%d' % (lbl, name, layer)):
	inp_out    = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_out, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_out, axis=0)
	adj_matrix = adj_mat[lbl]

	if self.p.dropout != 1.0: 
		inp_out = tf.nn.dropout(inp_out, keep_prob=self.p.dropout)

	if w_gating:
		inp_gout = tf.tensordot(gcn_in, w_gout, axes=[2,0]) + tf.expand_dims(b_gout, axis=0)
		inp_out  = inp_out * tf.sigmoid(inp_gout)
		out_act  = self.aggregate(inp_gout, adj_matrix)
		out_act = out_t

The out_act = self.aggregate(inp_gout, adj_matrix) seems need to be replaced by out_act = self.aggregate(inp_out, adj_matrix) like in the in_block. The out block also lacks the definition of out_t.


Hi @Punchwes,
It would be great if you could create a pull request with the changes you have prescribed.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @svjan5 ,
I have created a pull request with changes I mentioned above. Please have a check.

Many thanks

Thanks for your help!