
No embeddings generated?

loginaway opened this issue · 2 comments


I came up with a problem while using semgcn to fine tune the given 'syngcn_embeddings.txt'.
sudo python3 -embed ./embeddings/syngcn_embeddings.txt -semantic synonyms -embed_dim 300 -name fine_tuned_embeddings -epoch 10 -gpu 0

Everything seems going well. However, after the training finished (and it printed success message), I found nothing in the ./embeddings directory except for syngcn_embeddings.txt, which I put it there as the training set.
In addition, the log files were output to ./log successfully, and those evaluations in them accord with the data given in the paper.

I tried several times and it turned out the same.
Could anyone please tell me why this happened? Thanks!

I've read and again, and now I think I know what is happening here.
There is one line
parser.add_argument('-dump', dest="onlyDump", action='store_true', help='Dump context and embed matrix')
in the part of parsing parameters.

So, to output the embeddings, another part is NECESSARY: '-dump' .
Like, sudo python3 -embed ./embeddings/syngcn_embeddings.txt -semantic synonyms -embed_dim 300 -name fine_tuned_embeddings -epoch 10 -gpu 0 -dump

After I added this and ran again, the embeddings are output successfully to ./embeddings.

I guess the author forgot to put this in the instructions in, would you please modify it ?: ) @svjan5

Hi @loginaway,
I am sorry for the trouble. Thank you for pointing out the error. I have updated the readme.