
the mapping error is back with version 1.4.2

nidgupta opened this issue · 7 comments

host responded to PUT request on endpoint /{index}/_mapping/type/ with an error:
{"error":"MapperParsingException[Root type mapping not empty after parsing! Remaining fields:

Thanks for the feedback, I'm currently doing a rewrite to v2.0. With that I hope I'll be able to fix any mapping issues.

any expected date for the next version?

Nothing set in stone. The base code is done. What's missing now is proper test coverage and getting out all the kinks and bugs. It also depends on whether I will release the MySQL driver (and maybe others) along with the initial release or delay that for a later version. I'd say a few more weeks are necessary, depending on how demanding my other projects (like my job) are.

You can take a look at what's there already by switching to the v2.0.0 branch, but don't expect it to run well (or at all) right now.

same error here sad =(
Host localhost:9200 responded to PUT request on endpoint /events/_mapping/event/ with an error:
{"error":"MapperParsingException[Root type mapping not empty after parsing! Remaining fields: [events : {mappings={event={properties={@timestamp={type=date, format=dateOptionalTime}, De vice_HashedID={type=string}, IMEI={type=string}, MEID={type=string}, computer={type=string}, configuration={type=string}, details={type=string}, eventGUID={type=string}, eventname={type=st ring}, installGUID={type=string}, ip={type=string}, manufacturer={type=string}, modelName={type=string}, operator={type=string}, platform={type=string}, processId={type=long}, serviceResul t={type=string}, shift={type=string}}}}}]]","status":400}

It's just a matter to not retry to create the mapping if we already have 1 stored.

Thanks for the feedback and sorry to see you sad :'(

Work on 2.0 is still ongoing (but unfortunately very slowly). The new version should take care of this problem.

Just try v2, well I can't say now it's the export which is buggy, I'll create a report for you.

Haven't seen this pop up so far in v2, closing for now.