

Microk8s Base Install - Ubuntu 20.x

sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.21/stable
sudo microk8s status --wait-ready 
sudo microk8s enable dashboard dns registry helm3 prometheus 
sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl    
  1. After the above install, you will get the message. re-login to have the alias enabled

Insufficient permissions to access MicroK8s.
You can either try again with sudo or add the user cloud_user to the 'microk8s' group:

    sudo usermod -a -G microk8s cloud_user
    sudo chown -f -R cloud_user ~/.kube

The new group will be available on the user's next login.

Helm Install and Setup

sudo snap install helm --classic

mkdir ~/.kube
kubectl config view --raw > ~/.kube/config

Out of the Box with Microk8S

# List Monitoring Tools
microk8s kubectl get pods -n monitoring

# Prometheus UI
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring service/prometheus-k8s --address 9090:9090
kubectl patch svc prometheus-k8s -n monitoring -p '{"spec": {"externalIPs":[""]}}'

# Grafana UI
kubectl port-forward -n monitoring service/grafana --address 3000:3000
kubectl patch svc grafana -n monitoring -p '{"spec": {"externalIPs":[""]}}'

# Dashboard (seems to work on localhost)
token=$(microk8s kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep default-token | cut -d " " -f1)
microk8s kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $token
microk8s kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard 10443:443

## Change the Port 8443 - This will allow you to view outside of localhost
kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard


InfluxDB - Port 8085


# Supporting Commands Used
helm repo list 
helm delete influxdb -n influxdb
helm list -a
kubectl describe svc influxdb -n influxdb
kubectl get pods -n influxdb
kubectl describe pods influxdb-767fb4fb57-lbrzp -n influxdb
kubectl get svc -n influxdb
kubectl logs influxdb-6bc5449b4-xnvvj -n influxdb
kubectl exec --stdin --tty influxdb-6bc5449b4-9ddcf -- /bin/sh 
kubectl get all -n influxdb
kubectl edit cronjob.batch influxdb-backup -n influxdb

# Install 
kubectl create namespace influxdb
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install influxdb --set auth.admin.username=admin,auth.admin.password=password,influxdb.service.type=LoadBalancer -n influxdb bitnami/influxdb

# Expose the endpont
kubectl port-forward -n influxdb service/influxdb --address 8086:8086
kubectl patch svc influxdb -n influxdb -p '{"spec": {"externalIPs":[""]}}'

# Note: Be patient the service can take some time to start, and if you don't wait until running you may see many restarts.
kubectl get pods -n influxdb 
  NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE 
  influxdb-6bc5449b4-xnvvj   1/1     Running   4          6m56s 

## Install
wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb2-client-2.0.6-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xvfz influxdb2-client-2.0.6-linux-amd64.tar.gz

influxd backup -host $INFLUX_HOST:8088 /backup/$DATE

Jenkins - Port 8091


# Supporting Commands Used
helm repo list 
helm list -a
helm delete jenkins -n jenkins
kubectl get pods -n jenkins
kubectl describe pods jenkins-767fb4fb57-lbrzp -n jenkins
sudo ufw status verbose
sudo ufw allow 8081/tcp
kubectl scale deployment jenkins --replicas=0

## Install
kubectl create namespace jenkins
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install jenkins --set jenkinsUser=admin,jenkinsPassword=password,service.port=8091 bitnami/jenkins -n jenkins

# Expose the endpont
kubectl port-forward -n jenkins service/jenkins --address 8091:8091
kubectl patch svc jenkins -n jenkins -p '{"spec": {"externalIPs":[""]}}'



## Install
kubectl create namespace ingress
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install ingress bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress

- Set up external address

kubectl patch svc ingress-nginx-ingress-controller-n ingress -p '{"spec": {"externalIPs":[""]}}'

Backup and Recovery


kubectl get pod influxdb-6bc5449b4-dqjbd
kubectl exec --stdin --tty influxdb-6bc5449b4-dqjbd -n influxdb -- /bin/bash 

kubectl get PersistentVolumeClaim -n influxdb
kubectl cp <local_path> <namespace>/<pod_name>:/tmp/backup/
kubectl cp influxdb-6bc5449b4-dqjbd:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf ~/influxdb_backups -n influxdb

kubectl cp my-pod:my-file my-file


sudo snap remove microk8s

Cheat Sheet

creating objects
viewing finding resources
updating resources
patching resources
scaling resources
deleteing resources
running pods
interacting with nodes and clusters
resource types

Extra Mounting Volume for Docker Container - Not Kubeclt

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
touch file.txt
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/data1 ubuntu