
Selective sync of street address

martent opened this issue · 12 comments

Implement a selective sync of street address' from AD. If the field is empty in the dashboard and exists in the AD, sync the value. Otherwise don't.


We might have a pitfall here. What if the employee has set her address to an empty value on purpose--maybe she's working as a teacher on two different schools--and there is an incorrect value in the AD--maybe some default address value from the HR. Then the AD value will be re-synced each time after the employee reset the address to an empty value.

If we want to be absolute sure about not getting into this border case, we need to introduce a conditional option for address and room so the employee can make an explicit choice of having no address or room. A nice UI for this will be a little more work than a fix in the AD sync logic.

The easy way out is accepting a "space" as a valid address. :-) this way the user can have an empty address (actually the user has the address "space"/"space".

Thought about it, she can add "I'm a moving target" or something. But then we will get into probs with showing that on a map.

(clickable addresses is on the feature request list)

Ok, I'm aware of the problem, but we do not fix it now. I it becomes a problem several times 2014 we will think about fixing it.

What I mean is it is ok that the dashboard import the ad value when there is no local value.

Yes, will fix.

I ran a selective AD sync of address and room in the test env (we have not many manual edits of the address in test).

Active users: 17683

Before selective sync
has address: 2776
has room: 2

After selective sync
has address: 2828
has room: 1883

Random observations:

  • svesen and helper still have no address (they have no ldap name stored in aastra either).
  • Rooms on stadshuset starts with "s".

Should I deploy in prod and let it do the sync tonight?

Current status in prod, including manual edits.

Active users:  19058
has address: 2878
has room: 75

Should I deploy in prod and let it do the sync tonight?


I will notify PBX admin about the fact that some users addresses are still missing.

Please give new statistics from prod tomorrow, including manual edits.

Made a deploy and forced a sync with the AD.

Active users:  19060 (+2 (re-activated in AD since last night))
has address: 2953 (+75)
has room: 1965 (+1890)

(the before stats above has been corrected, they included empty strings in the original comment).