Erase-and-reload button
jesperbylund opened this issue · 9 comments
Admin function for erasing and reloading a feed from scratch in the dashboard admin.
Developed in the master branch, merged into elasticsearch branch and deployed in test. Can be released before or at the same time as the first elasticsearch release.
Note: A feed can have meny feed entries before the refresh (some have ~1000), but in most case it will only have 10 after the refresh, so the action is destructive.
Text string "Radera alla nyheter och ladda hem de senaste" – should it not be a button beside the other buttons instead, maybe with text string "Ladda om" or "Ladda om flödet"?
Extra warning good!
Change finished-message to: "Nyhetsflödets samtliga nyheter raderades. De senaste nyheterna hämtades från källan. Notera att data på en användares Min sida caches en liten stund det kan ta en liten stund innan detta slår igenom hos användarna."
Text string "Radera alla nyheter och ladda hem de senaste" – should it not be a button beside the other buttons instead, maybe with text string "Ladda om" or "Ladda om flödet"?
The reason why I put it as text is that it needs more explanation than "Reload". The user must get that it is destructive action that removes news items that is not available in the source's RSS anymore. Reload fools the user to think that all news items are fetched again.
Warning issued, you decide!
Ok, I see your point. How about keeping it where it is but with the "danger zone – erase user" design we have in the staff directory edit mode for admins?
New deploy out in test.
Good! Deploy in prod!
Out in production. Tested so i close here.