
Discount without deducting from the wallet

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First of all I’m sorry for my English, I’m using a translator. I detected the following problem: if you activate the option “Automatically deduct balance from the wallet” and at checkout the option “Pay by wallet”, the customer is able to make the purchase with 51% of the value of the product.
If the customer makes a purchase, but does not finalize the payment, and he decides to pay later on the “Orders” panel, the final amount displayed is discounted, and he has not deducted anything from the wallet.
So if the customer has 51% of the value of the product, he buys but does not finalize the payment, so he comes back and chooses “Pay by wallet”, the amount will already be discounted, and he will use the wallet to pay, the system gives the discount even if his balance is insufficient, and still uses the balance to pay for the product.
A temporary solution is to deactivate “Pay by wallet” so the system will deduct from the wallet and the customer pays the rest by another means of payment. The problem is, if the customer has a balance in the portfolio greater than the value of the product, he cannot use that balance, so the customer will complain.