
Running the selbal example

Closed this issue · 2 comments

llrs commented

I have installed the package following the vignette devtools::install_github("UVic-omics/selbal") but I can't run the examples provided in selbal help page.

You need to use following line data("Crohn", package = "selbal") in order to access them.

Hi @llrs!

Thank you for you comment! I have tried the examples with the latest versions of both R (3.5.1) and RStudio (1.1.456) ,and I did not have any problem. Just calling Crohn I can acces to the Crohn's disease dataset.
What error message do you obtain if you call it directly?

Thanks again.

llrs commented

Yes, one can access when calling directly the object.
The error I get is that R is not able to locate the data when using data(Crohn), so it won't pass the check of R CMD check