
Omitting 'partial class Program' results in invalid script.cs generated

Khazul opened this issue · 2 comments

Create new ingamescript project.
Add a new source file by means of VS Add Class/Add item etc (Class1.cs).
Do not change anything in the new class.

MDK Deploy it.

Source (defaulted namespaces and comments removed for brevity)


namespace IngameScript
    partial class Program : MyGridProgram
        public Program()

        public void Save()

        public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)


namespace IngameScript
    class Class1

Results in script.cs:

public Program()

public void Save()

public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)

class Class1

The problem is the resulting source closes off Ingamescript.Program, open the Ingamescript.Class1, but does not close it.
If I were to add a method to Class1, then the method would appear in script.cs, but the namespace would not be closed.


I suggest that an explicit build fail be issued in the case of omitting partial class Program - ie anything other than the Program class directly in the IngameScript namespace.

The game adds its own Program class wrapper. What you're seeing is a trick to exit that class and add your own non-Program class.

All my scripts does this.