
Script won't deploy due to incorrect ProhibitedMemberRule

MaxwellMasaitis opened this issue · 2 comments

Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: Heavy Lobster, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>E:\Documents\CS Stuff\Random\SE Scripts with VS\Heavy Lobster\Heavy Lobster\Program.cs(56,3,56,24): error ProhibitedMemberRule: The type or member 'IMyTurretControlBlock' is prohibited in Space Engineers
1>E:\Documents\CS Stuff\Random\SE Scripts with VS\Heavy Lobster\Heavy Lobster\Program.cs(103,97,103,118): error ProhibitedMemberRule: The type or member 'IMyTurretControlBlock' is prohibited in Space Engineers
1>E:\Documents\CS Stuff\Random\SE Scripts with VS\Heavy Lobster\Heavy Lobster\Program.cs(117,95,117,116): error ProhibitedMemberRule: The type or member 'IMyTurretControlBlock' is prohibited in Space Engineers
1>E:\Documents\CS Stuff\Random\SE Scripts with VS\Heavy Lobster\Heavy Lobster\Program.cs(207,20,207,29): error ProhibitedMemberRule: The type or member 'bool IMyTurretControlBlock.HasTarget' is prohibited in Space Engineers
1>E:\Documents\CS Stuff\Random\SE Scripts with VS\Heavy Lobster\Heavy Lobster\Program.cs(207,44,207,53): error ProhibitedMemberRule: The type or member 'bool IMyTurretControlBlock.HasTarget' is prohibited in Space Engineers
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I was originally writing this script outside of Visual Studio, so I know it works and that the turret controller isn't actually prohibited. When I copy it into Visual Studio and try to build/deploy it, I get these errors. Issue persists even when restarting Visual Studio.

There is nothing wrong with the rule but it seems the turret control block has not been added to the whitelist file for some reason, which is weird.

Yep. The new whitelist was never embedded. Will release a fix shortly.