
would like to install on system level

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What i would like to do is to install jupyter_conda at the system level to allow users to set up their own local conda environments.
however when I try to install conda with pip i get

[joe@mcdull extensions]$ pip3 install nb-conda-kernels
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement nb-conda-kernels (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for nb-conda-kernels

Any pointers for allowing me to do something like this?

Hey @joequant

The main hypothesis is that you are using/must use conda. So to achieve this, you need to install the base conda environment at the system level. And in that environment you will install jupyterlab or notebook, nb-conda-kernels and this extension.

The tricky part is to enable the base conda environment for all users in their terminal. For that you could take a look at the miniconda dockerfile.

The trick lies in
where you link the conda init script to /etc/profile.d so it gets loaded for all users:
ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

The last trick you will need is to activate the base environment for each user (conda activate base).

Note: nb_conda_kernels is only available as conda package. So pip will never find it.