
best practice usage

RockScience opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, thank you very much for making this open source

1/ is there a optimised way to access timeseries of revisions. In the VersionStore if we have saved several versions

version1 saved at 2022-01-04
2022-01-01 1
2022-01-02 2

version2 saved at 2022-01-05
2022-01-01 1
2022-01-02 3

then I would like to retrieve in an efficient manner the timeseries of change for the value as of 2022-01-02, ie:
2022-01-04 2
2022-01-05 3

2/ is there a permission layer allowing to choose who has access to which ticker?

Q1. have a look at
Q2. no. We have a credentials system which sits on top of arctic.