A JSON based anime dataset containing the most important meta data as well as cross references to various anime sites such as MAL, ANIDB, ANILIST, KITSU and more...
- 1
Kami no Tou Season 2 entry split
#99 opened by Guslletas - 1
- 2
#97 opened by Fro116 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Separate Koguma no Yuugo movies from shorts
#93 opened by Fro116 - 1
- 1
- 1
Change merge category for
#90 opened by Fro116 - 1
How can I help by being a contributor here?
#81 opened by stokebreakup - 1
Store banners
#89 opened by ElaxDev - 1
NSFW shows from aniDB marked as "dead"
#88 opened by ThaUnknown - 1
- 1
AI Generated Anime
#86 opened by Naugustogi - 1
Add anilist/169728 to dataset
#82 opened by PythonCoderAS - 1
Add anilist/153567 to dataset
#83 opened by PythonCoderAS - 1
Add anilist/141136 to dataset
#84 opened by PythonCoderAS - 1
- 4
why are the images incredibly small
#80 opened by anime-kun32 - 1
Please add anime rating!
#79 opened by shell1986 - 1
Is there an anime score?
#78 opened by Theldus - 1
Algorithm for matching entries
#77 opened by Garakusi - 2
- 3
One piece anime
#75 opened by mentor1th - 1
"", "", "", ""
#74 opened by singersbalm - 1
2 duplicates
#72 opened by singersbalm - 2
dub data extraction
#70 opened by singersbalm - 2
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Split Bastard entries
#68 opened by Guslletas - 2
Legal issues
#67 opened by Matronicz - 3
Weird tag
#66 opened by bot-bot-bot-bot-bot-bot - 1
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Extraction question
#64 opened by Matronicz - 2
- 3
#62 opened by PhoneDroid - 1
2022-12-21 Data Entry ' Blue Dragon 2'
#61 opened by mibj - 1
- 1
Can you add synopsis/description?
#59 opened by iTaishi - 2
Some missing entries
#58 opened by germancasares - 1
any plans for manga-offline-database
#57 opened by edgehub-cloud - 0
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A peculiar property of cross links to anidb
#54 opened by MeRuslan - 5
Dub tag
#50 opened by frederik2000x - 1
- 2
Can be added description field?
#48 opened by evgeniy55 - 6
Database usage & AGPL license
#47 opened by koji98 - 3
Incorrect Entry
#45 opened by samyak-jain - 1
How is the json file updated?
#46 opened by koji98 - 2
Can you update relation name ?
#44 opened by meotimdihia