
enhancement: remove bookmark shortcut

maciejmotyka opened this issue · 2 comments

If I am not mistaken deleting a bookmark is currently performed by deleting it from $XDG_CACHE_HOME/cfiles/bookmarks. However on my system echo $XDG_CACHE_HOME returns nothing. I am also unable to determine where the bookmark info is stored in such case. fzf -e -q cfiles or fzf -e -q bookmarks doesn't return anything that would catch my eye.
I've read through the cf.c code but my C knowledge is too limited to figure out the alternative location.

Due to this difficulty, but mostly because I think that it would make for a better user experience, I suggest adding a possibility to remove unwanted bookmarks directly from cfiles.
In Vim it's done via its command line, which is not how cfiles operates, so I think it will have to function similarly to adding a bookmark, i.e. <KEY_DELBOOKMARK><BOOKMARK> .

I've added this in the latest commit. If you press E, it will open your bookmarks in your preferred editor and you can edit them as you wish.

Works like a charm. Thank you!