
Kocks-Mecking Strain Hardening: moving linefit approach

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


KM SH The file KocksMeckingPlot_movingLineFit.m differentiates the true stress-true plastic strain data to plot strain hardening rate vs (sigma-sigma_y) plot. The method followed here is a 4 point moving linear fit to determine the slope of the true stress-true plastic strain curve. For data collected at high acquisition rate, there is a lot of fluctuation in the stress strain data which leads to severly fluctuating strain hardening curve. The method applied in this script removews those fluctuations. The k value can be increased if k=4 is not leading to a smooth curve. An example test data is provided in this repo. The strain hardening rate obtained through this script is closer to actual value, which is not obtained if one uses a fitting curve on true stress-true plastic strain data. In my another repo - 'tensile', I have used a modified polynomial functions to fit the data and then differentiate the function to get smooth strain hardenign curve. And the polynomial function there could be adjusted to get a better fit on the experimental data. However, this present script is free from this fitting issue because it directly determines the slope from the experimental data.