
ImportError: No module named idawasm.loader

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E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\loaders\ No module named idawasm.loader
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\python\", line 553, in IDAPython_ExecScript
    execfile(script, g)
  File "E:/IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable/loaders/", line 1, in <module>
    import idawasm.loader
ImportError: No module named idawasm.loader
E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\loaders\ No module named idawasm.loader
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\python\", line 553, in IDAPython_ExecScript
    execfile(script, g)
  File "E:/IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable/loaders/", line 1, in <module>
    import idawasm.loader
ImportError: No module named idawasm.loader
PROCESSOR_ENTRY: E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\procs\ No module named idawasm.processor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable\python\", line 584, in IDAPython_LoadProcMod
    procmod = imp.load_module(procmod_name, fp, pathname, description)
  File "E:/IDA_Pro_v7.0_Portable/procs\", line 1, in <module>
    import idawasm.processor  # NOQA: F401 imported but unused
ImportError: No module named idawasm.processor

looks like the package is not installed correctly. did you follow the installation steps listed in the readme?

yes.I try to use python to run when I import firist line(import idawasm.loader),it tell me No module named idaapi
Python 2.7.16 (v2.7.16:413a49145e, Mar 4 2019, 01:37:19) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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import idawasm.loader
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "build\\egg\idawasm\", line 9, in
ImportError: No module named idaapi

I move to python libs but it doesn't work. I am no idea to deal with it

you need to install this package (...python install) using the python interpreter that IDA uses. you won't be able to load the module from a python prompt because things like idaapi are only available within IDA. you should be able to do import idawasm from within IDA if things are working correctly. I would verify that the path that IDA uses (sys.path) matches the installation of python that you've been using.

thanks.I had slove this. My ida has its own python. I add it to system path but not work.I use Absolute Path(D;\ida\python27\python.exe install)solve this

thank you, i solve the problem