
Isotope Posts only rendering 2 columns in WP feed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, I've got a feed of thumbnails from a custom post type query... some that are two columns in width, others one-column and tall and ones that are square. The plugin doesn't seem to be recognizing that there's enough space for a third column... do I have control over column widths? Have I missed something in the controls?


Are you able to provide a link to the page where the issue is occurring?

Thanks for getting back to me:

I think this is happening due to a quirk in how masonry calculates the layout. The plugin grabs the posts in whatever order you specify (alpha or date) and then masonry attempts to do the best job it can laying out the Isotope list elements based on that order and within the total width of their container element. So the fact that you have a second row that contains 2 one-column items (whereas others seem to have a one-column and a two-column item) is what creates the odd effect of the empty space between the two one-column items in row 2. Unfortunately the Isotope Posts plugin doesn't offer any finer-grained control over this.