
aggregate of misc js notes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript fundamentals: JS Reference

  • primitive types

    • number
    • string
    • boolean
    • symbol
    • undefined
    • null
  • natives

    • object
    • function
    • array
    • date
    • regexp
    • JSON
  • language features and concepts:

    • hoisting
    • scope
    • this
    • coercion
    • destructuring
    • generators
  • OO

    • parasitic inheritance
    • prototypal inheritance
    • prototype chain
    • mixins
    • delegation
  • API

    • DOM
    • web worker
    • fetch

≤ ≥ ÷ ≈ ∞ ‼ ← ° √ ⁿ ² α ß Γ π Σ σ µ τ Φ Θ Ω δ ∞ φ ε ∩ Alt + 224-239 α 224 ß 225 π 227 µ 230 ∞ 236 φ 237 ε 238 ≡ 241 ± 242