How can i share a component instead of a module
Coolpix opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi, this is just a question instead of an issue.
All the examples and documentation that i read about federation in angular are related to modules and all the modules are loaded using router´s lazy load, so they are all linked to an url.
My question is how can i share a component or a module that are not related to an url but to just a shared module/component/service with just a bunch of code?
i also have the same question.
suppose I have a file config.service.ts where I just call a function in @Ngmoduel's provides in useFactory in one the mfe for setting initial require data for my app so when I run mfe individually its working fine but when I render that mfe into the shell I doesn't execute at all. so kinda like the same question how can I execute file in mfe which don't have any linking via url.