
download to mount drives?

silentquiet opened this issue · 4 comments

How can I allow docker manga-py to download to a mounted drive, I'm still new to docker but I was able to run docker manga-py successfully and download some manga to my /home/ directory as well as other directories within /home//, But I would really like it to download to /mnt/drive1/books but all my attempts are getting me "Permission denied".

what I'm running in cli
docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/home/ mangadl/manga-py -d /mnt/drive1/books

Thanks in advance.

1271 commented

Hi. Check this

You can use -v for docker

thanks for your reply

Ok I tried the following in cli:

  1. docker run -it -v "${PWD}"/mnt/drive1/books:/home/[user] mangadl/manga-py [URL]
    This downloaded nothing but in my home folder/directory it created new folders instead
  2. docker run -it -v "${PWD}"/mnt/drive1/books:/home/[user] mangadl/manga-py [URL] -d /mnt/drive1/books
    still getting permission denied
  3. docker run -it -v /mnt/drive1/books mangadl/manga-py [URL]
    This downloaded nothing again it even showed the progress bar, no permission error
  4. docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/home/[user] mangadl/manga-py -d /home/[user]/manga
    this is the only one that works but it downloads in the home/[user] folder and folders within [user] when using -d but I want it to download to the mounted drive
1271 commented

Try this:

docker run -it -v /mnt/drive1/books:/home/[user] mangadl/manga-py [URL]

This will create a Manga directory inside /mnt/drive1/books (i.e. /mnt/drive1/books/Manga)


docker run -it -v /mnt/drive1/books:/tmp/mdl mangadl/manga-py -d /tmp/mdl/Manga [URL]

will be the same result

P.S. The second option will not create additional files for you in the directory (configs)

Thank you the second option works nicely, I'm also thankful the fast response.