
Lists have spaces around them

Opened this issue · 3 comments

A list usually ends up like this:

1. A

2. B

3. C

Which ends up with weird formatting (<p> elements around the list items) when converting to HTML.

I've just changed the script (among other things) to also glue together lists. I believe it has more code than necessary, but works for me. It seems only problem happens if a list follows a blank line in google docs (then it gets single line break in the end result).

Here's the gist with the updated code:

Using the Export As Markdown googledocs add-on.
Voting +1 on the need to output lists (both ordered & unordered) without spaces.

Any chance that you'll update the google docs add-on?

Check out gd2md-html, a full-blown Docs add-on inspired by Renato's original here. List processing (and many other things) are much improved. Thanks to Renato for pioneering this conversion work!