
Add static analysis to protect code quality

Closed this issue · 7 comments

This one seems useful to enforce Kotlin official style guide, but possibly a subset of Detekt since this one is limited to that style guide.

It's working (as part of Gradle build), but configuration is ignored.

Implemented in 260b740 -> Only get the lint task on JVM projects, and it's too much of a hacky mess to include all sources from there. -> Creates the task but cannot run it with check (issue). It's also slow and doesn't stop on error (ignores config?).

ktlint-gradle and kotlinter-gradle only works for JVM platform atm (issue58 in the repo)

Switched to cargo format, which now works and is enforced locally (there is some kind of version mismatch between local and Travis, so it had to be turned off on Travis for now since it kept flagging things that weren't being fixed by ``cargo +nightly fmt`; it'll be turned on again later).