
Some HLS-Streams can't be played

Lars-Marcel opened this issue · 0 comments


firstly: many thanks for this amazing plugin.

Unfortunately some HLS-Streams are not working.
Here some that i've tested:
Following error appers, otherwise the player loads and loads.

Message: File has invalid structure Detail: Parsing Error :TS: invalid NALu type found, corrupted fragment ?

Problem existent in: GrindPlayer, Chromeless, Strobe Media Playback, Flowplayer
Working in: mediaelementplayer, VideoJS
Keeps loading and loading.
First segment will be loaded, but will not played.
Playlist will reloaded every 10 seconds, but no more segments will be loaded.
Problem existent in: GrindPlayer, Chromeless, Strobe Media Playback, Flowplayer
Working in: mediaelementplayer, VideoJS
Keeps loading and loading.
First segment will be loaded, but will not played.
Playlist will reloaded every 10 seconds, but no more segments will be loaded.
Problem existent in: GrindPlayer, Chromeless, Strobe Media Playback, Flowplayer
Working in, but only sound: mediaelementplayer, VideoJS
