
A simple classifier with Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython

Wandb demo

Install Wandb (W&B):

Install Wandb using pip:

pip install wandb

Or conda:

conda install -c conda-forge wandb 

Setup wandb

Sign up for a free W&B account in here. In the termnial, we can start wandb by using:

wandb login

wandb will ask us for a authorize code, which in Here. Or we also can set an env for auto login by:


Start experiment tracking

To start experiment tracking, we need to intergrate Wandb in our script:

import wandb

run = wandb.init(project="mlops-wandb-demo", tags=["dropout", "cnn"])


  • wandb.init(): Initialize a new run with specific name throughproject=<name>.

Multiple run from one script

If we run multiple time in our script, use run = wandb.init(reinit=True) to reinit new run and run.finish() to end the run.

import wandb
for x in range(10):
    run = wandb.init(reinit=True)
    for y in range (100):
        wandb.log({"metric": x+y})

Configure runs

Set the wandb.config in our script allows us to save the training hyperparameter, input setting, and other dependency variables for our experiments. wandb.config save a dictionary of hyperparameters such as learning rate or model type. The model settings we capture in config are useful later to organize and query the results.

In the code, we can setup the config with a simple code:

# init wandb
config = dict(
    learning_rate = LEARNING_RATE,
    momentum      = MOMENTUM,
    architecture  = ARCHITECTURE,
    dataset       = DATASET


Or by using argparse.Namespace:

wandb.init(config={"lr": 0.1})
wandb.config.epochs = 4

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch-size', type=int, default=8, metavar='N',
                     help='input batch size for training (default: 8)')
args = parser.parse_args()
wandb.config.update(args) # adds all of the arguments as config variables

Log Data & Media

Wandb support us to log many type of data such as: Audio, Video, Text Table, HTML, Image, gradient, etc. With a simple log for tracking training or testing experiment, I use the code like shown in my function test():

def test():
    test_loss /= len(testloader)
    test_accuracy = 100. * correct / len(testloader.dataset)
    # Log test loss and test accuracy
    wandb.log({'epoch':epoch, 'test loss':test_loss, 'test accuracy': test_accuracy})

For further tracking, I recommend check Wandb doc for more detail in logging other media type. For example, logging Image:

images = wandb.Image(image_array, caption="Top: Output, Bottom: Input")
# log image
wandb.log({"examples": images}

Wandb provides wandb.watch() for support PyTorch. It automatically log gradients and the network topology. We can call watch and pass in PyTorch model:

import wandb

# wandb watch model
wandb.watch(models=model, criterion=loss_function, log='all', log_freq=10)

    for epoch in epochs:
        for idx, (data, target) in enumerate(trainloader):
            if idx%log_interval==0:
                wandb.log({"loss": loss})


Arguments Options
log all: log histograms of both gradients and parameters
gradients : log histograms of gradients (default)
parameters : log histograms of parameters
log_freq integer (default 1000): The number of steps between logging gradients/parameters
criterion loss_function: tracking loss function

Wandb allows us to tracking our Data and Model by the concept of Artifact Versioning. Core Artifact feature:

  1. Upload: Start tracking and versioning any data (files or directories) with run.log_artifact(). You can also track datasets in a remote filesystem (e.g. cloud storage in S3 or GCP) by reference, using a link or URI instead of the raw contents.
  2. Version: Define an artifact by giving it a type ("raw_data", "preprocessed_data", "balanced_data") and a name ("imagenet_cats_10K"). When you log the same name again, W&B automatically creates a new version of the artifact with the latest contents.
  3. Alias: Set an alias like "best" or "production" to highlight the important versions in a lineage of artifacts. Compare: Select any two versions to browse the contents side-by-side. We're also working on a tool for dataset visualization, learn more here →
  4. Download: Obtain a local copy of the artifact or verify the contents by reference.

Data versioning

Wandb can tracking the contents of individual files and directories, in which we may add, remove, replace, or edit items. Start versioning our data while init a run wandb.init():

Sample code:

run = wandb.init(project="my_project")
my_data = wandb.Artifact("new_dataset", type="raw_data")

# add data in dir

# add data file
# my_data.add_file("path/to/file")

Model versioning

With automatic saving and versioning, each experiment we run stores the most recently trained model artifact to W&B. We can scroll through all these model versions, annotating and renaming as necessary while maintaining the development history.

In simple example of training a model and log it as an artifact named demo-model:

# save trained model as artifact
def train():
    for idx (input, target) in emunerate(train_dataloader):
        trained_weight = wandb.Artifact("demo-model", type="model", description="trained a demo model")

        # save model
        torch.onnx.export(model, input, 'weight.onnx')

    # log artifact

Load model for inference:

run = wandb.init()
# model name + version 
model_at = run.use_artifact('demo-model'+':latest')
# download 
model_dir = model_at.download()
# load model Pytorch
model = Net()

Versioning is automatic, if an artifact changes, just re-run the same artifact creation script. Wandb will checksum the artifact, identify that something changed, and track the new version. If nothing changes, wandb don't reupload any data or create a new version.