
Tried to create resource record set...but it already exists

mabushey opened this issue · 4 comments

  • aws_route53_record.validation.1: [ERR]: Error building changeset: InvalidChangeBatch: [Tried to create resource record set [name='', type='CNAME'] but it already exists]
    status code: 400, request id: fc24fa85-81e0-11e9-becc-010152381b5e
module "my_acm_certificate" {
  source = "modules/aws_acm_certificate" 
  domain_names = ["", "*"]
  zone_id = "${aws_route53_zone.example.zone_id}"
  providers = {
    "aws.acm" = "aws"
    "aws.route53" = "aws"

What I think is the issue is under ACM both and * have the exact same record of CNAME
Seems like they should be different.

I was able to get Terraform to apply cleanly with this change:

 resource "aws_route53_record" "validation" {
   provider = "aws.route53"
-  count = "${length(var.domain_names)}"
+#  count = "${length(var.domain_names)}"
+  count = 1
   name = "${lookup(aws_acm_certificate.main.domain_validation_options[count.index], "resource_record_name")}"
   type = "${lookup(aws_acm_certificate.main.domain_validation_options[count.index], "resource_record_type")}"
   # default required for zone_ids lookup because

Just ran into this myself. AWS has the validation CNAME behavior documented here:

Note that the first two _x values in the table are the same. That is, the random string created by ACM for the wild card name * is the same as that created for the base domain name Note also that ACM creates different CNAME records for and

Happening to us too. Terraform v 0.11 aws provider v 2.70, it destroys the DNS record, try to create, but it says that already exist and we end up having our app DOWN because there is no record replacement.

We are getting this issue as well. Any workarounds? We are in Terraform v0.13.5 and AWS Provider 3.15.0.