
"Org not found"

MattAWright opened this issue · 1 comments

Occasionally, when using a bad internet connection, Torus times out and gives the error message "Org not found".

Example daemon log from an example of this:

Matts-MacBook-Pro:manifold-quickstart matt$ tail -n25 ~/.torus/daemon.log
2017/11/03 13:08:19 GET /proxy/projects
2017/11/03 13:08:20 POST /proxy/envs
2017/11/03 13:09:52 GET /v1/version
2017/11/03 13:09:52 GET /v1/session
2017/11/03 13:09:53 GET /proxy/orgs
2017/11/03 13:09:54 GET /proxy/teams
2017/11/03 13:10:22 POST /proxy/teams
2017/11/03 13:10:35 POST /v1/machines
2017/11/03 13:10:35 GET /v1/observe
2017/11/03 13:12:26 GET /v1/version
2017/11/03 13:12:26 GET /v1/session
2017/11/03 13:12:26 GET /v1/self
2017/11/03 13:12:32 GET /proxy/orgs
2017/11/03 13:12:32 http: proxy error: context deadline exceeded
2017/11/03 14:20:48 GET /v1/version
2017/11/03 14:20:48 GET /v1/session
2017/11/03 14:20:48 GET /v1/self
2017/11/03 14:20:54 http: proxy error: context deadline exceeded
2017/11/03 14:20:54 GET /proxy/orgs
2017/11/03 14:20:56 GET /v1/version
2017/11/03 14:20:56 GET /v1/session
2017/11/03 14:20:56 GET /v1/self
2017/11/03 14:20:57 GET /proxy/orgs
2017/11/03 14:20:57 GET /proxy/teams
2017/11/03 14:20:58 GET /proxy/memberships