4.0.0 appears broken at GoogleCloudLogging
unaisvayani opened this issue · 3 comments
I have an application on .NET 5 using library Serilog.Sinks.GoogleCloudLogging Version="4.0.0" which is the latest version at this moment.
I have my custom logging library where Serilog is implemented to configure multiple sinks. While the logger object is being configured, I get this run time exception in the code below.
Here is the code where the sink is configured
sinkOptions: config.options,
outputTemplate: config.OutputTemplate,
restrictedToMinimumLevel: config.minLevel);
Exception appears:
Message=Method not found: 'Void Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ClientBuilderBase`1..ctor()'.
at Google.Cloud.Logging.V2.LoggingServiceV2ClientBuilder..ctor()
at Serilog.Sinks.GoogleCloudLogging.GoogleCloudLoggingSink..ctor(GoogleCloudLoggingSinkOptions sinkOptions, ITextFormatter textFormatter)
at Serilog.Sinks.GoogleCloudLogging.GoogleCloudLoggingSinkExtensions.GoogleCloudLogging(LoggerSinkConfiguration loggerConfiguration, GoogleCloudLoggingSinkOptions sinkOptions, Nullable`1 batchSizeLimit, Nullable`1 period, Nullable`1 queueLimit, String outputTemplate, ITextFormatter textFormatter, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel, LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch)
at Serilog.Sinks.GoogleCloudLogging.GoogleCloudLoggingSinkExtensions.GoogleCloudLogging(LoggerSinkConfiguration loggerConfiguration, String projectId, String resourceType, String logName, Dictionary`2 labels, Dictionary`2 resourceLabels, Boolean useSourceContextAsLogName, Boolean useJsonOutput, Boolean useLogCorrelation, String googleCredentialJson, String serviceName, String serviceVersion, Nullable`1 batchSizeLimit, Nullable`1 period, Nullable`1 queueLimit, String outputTemplate, ITextFormatter textFormatter, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel, LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch)
at Lib.Logs.Log.CreateLoggerFromConfiguration() in D:\...\lib\Liblog\src\lib.logs\Logger.cs:line 87
at Lib.Logs.Log.CreateLogger() in D:\...\lib\Liblog\src\lib.logs\Logger.cs:line 82
at Lib.Logs.Log.Configure() in D:\...\lib\Liblog\src\lib.logs\Logger.cs:line 22
at ChatBot.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\...\ChatBot\Program.cs:line 25
Am I missing something to make it work?
Looks like the GCP team just released new libraries with breaking changes for GAX4 with a new underlying GRPC implementation.
This library references Google.Cloud.Logging.V2
at version 3.6.0
You can set it to that explicitly for now. I'll check on the upgrade issue later.
I referenced version 4.0.0
of Google.Cloud.Logging.V2
and it just worked.
Thanks for the response @manigandham
Version 5.0.0 has been released that uses the new libraries. Support for netstandard2.0
has been dropped.