
WiFi Fingerprinting is one of the most prominent systems that is used in order to localize the indoor positions where GPS fail to track the positions because of the structural barriers. WiFi Fingerprinting involves an Offline phase and the online phase. In the Offline phase, measurements are collected around the indoor environment multiple times so that every location can be easily tracked. In the online phase, the position is tracked based on the collected offline measurements and by using an estimation technique like Triangulation or Fingerprinting. The primary features that helps the WiFi Fingerprinting technique in estimating the location is the Base Service Set ID(BSSID) and the Signal levels (RSSI) of the various access points available in the indoor environment. Together with the collected values and the estimation techniques, the position is calculated.

With the help of the android app, we can collect and locate the position based on a previously collected reference data from various locations. The app is capable of receiving the signal strength. Based on the strength of the signal strength received, the location is identified by means of comparing withe the reference data.

The app contains reference data collected at Aalto university. In case of use, please replace the data in the resource directory with your own reference data.