
Choose subreddits to scrape the top images from

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit Scraper

Run __main__.py or simply python . from inside the directory. This will run the GUI. Once you have configured your settings using the GUI, running python scrape.py will use your saved settings. You can then easily schedule the scraper to run daily.

Alternately, you may manually create config.json and then run scrape.py.

Reddit Scraper allows you to scrape the top images (or other file formats) from selected subreddits into selected directories on your machine. You may configure how many files to scrape, what extensions to include, which subreddits to scrape from, and which directories to write to.

The GUI needs a lot of work but this is essentially usable.

Uses Python Reddit API Wrapper: https://github.com/praw-dev/praw pip install praw

Contact me: chrisbarker@cmu.edu