
Cannot build against pododo 0.10.0

alerque opened this issue · 4 comments

Arch Linux is in the process of updating podofo to v0.10.0. The libpodofo module has some APIs that have been renamed. Here is the migration guide:

As of now gImageReader 3.4.1 does not build against the new library. It is now holding up the release of packages for other projects that do support it, like the latest release of Calibre, etc.

I looked through the master branch and I don't see anything related to this yet. It would be good to get it addressed soon. Even if there isn't a release immanent, if there was a development branch that supported it we would try backporting the patches to get the current version working again.

I've started looking into it, it's not trivial though

I've pushed support for podofo 0.10.x for the Qt interface here [1], now I'll work on the Gtk interface. Additional testing very welcome in the meantime!

[1] 7a162b8

Since also added to Gtk in 54b7b9c

Hurray. Will be looking forward to this in the next release.