
Magento 2 Extension

Excellence Orderexport helps store admins to export data of order, invoice, credit memo and shipment to the common output formats such as CSV, XML or TEXT. Thus, Magento 2 store owners can back up or upload these data to the related third parties promptly with ease.Also it has three medium to export file EMAIL, FTP and GOOGLE DRIVE.


  1. Easily manage Export profiles
  2. Manage file type
  3. Manage rules on order data
  4. Exported file can be mailed to configured email ID
  5. Export to Order details to Google Drive for backup.
  6. Auto export the order details based on Magento Cron


screenshot-18 screenshot-17 screenshot-20 screenshot-19

Use the following table to verify you have the correct prerequisites to install this Extension.

Prerequisite How to check For more information
Apache 2.2 or 2.4 Ubuntu: apache2 -v
CentOS: httpd -v
PHP7.0.2, 7.0.4, 7.0.6 to 7.4.3 php -v PHP Ubuntu
MySQL 5.6.x mysql -u [root user name] -p MySQL