
React Tooltip

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Tooltip

NPM version build status Test coverage gemnasium deps node version npm download


Browser Support

IE Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
IE 8 + IE 8+ ✔ Chrome 31.0+ ✔ Firefox 31.0+ ✔ Opera 30.0+ ✔ Safari 7.0+ ✔




var Tooltip = require('rc-tooltip');
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
ReactDOM.render(<Tooltip placement="left" trigger={['click']} overlay={<span>tooltip</span>}><a href='#'>hover</a></Tooltip>, container);


npm start and then go to http://localhost:8007/examples

Online examples: http://react-component.github.io/tooltip/examples/



name type default description
overlayClassName string additional className added to popup overlay
trigger string[] ['hover'] which actions cause tooltip shown. enum of 'hover','click','focus'
mouseEnterDelay number 0 delay time to show when mouse enter.unit: s.
mouseLeaveDelay number 0.1 delay time to hide when mouse leave.unit: s.
overlayStyle Object additional style of overlay node
prefixCls String rc-tooltip prefix class name
transitionName String same as https://github.com/react-component/css-transition-group
onVisibleChange Function call when visible is changed
visible boolean whether tooltip is visible
defaultVisible boolean whether tooltip is visible initially
placement String one of ['left','right','top','bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight']
align Object: alignConfig of [dom-align](https://github.com/yiminghe/dom-align) value will be merged into placement's config
onPopupAlign function(popupDomNode, align) callback when popup node is aligned
overlay React.Element | () => React.Element popup content
arrowContent React.Node null arrow content
getTooltipContainer function function returning html node which will act as tooltip container
destroyTooltipOnHide boolean false whether destroy tooltip when tooltip is hidden


Tooltip requires child node accepts onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onFocus, onClick event.


npm install
npm start

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage


rc-tooltip is released under the MIT license.