Compile problem on Arduino IDE 1.6.4
Opened this issue · 0 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Download the current source from svn repo
2. Install Arduino IDE v 1.6.4
3. Add in arduino-1.6.4/libraries the libraries from the minnazaosd svn repo
4. Open from Arduino IDE file: minNAZAOSD.ino
5. Execute from Arduino IDE the compile
What is the expected output?
I expect to have the hex file generated as compilation completes
What do you see instead?
Compilation hangs usually on ArduCam_Max7456 or on the minNAZAOSD file. No
error in the IDE console.
What version of the product are you using?
I'm using the latest source from the svn repo
On what operating system?
I'm arduino IDE 1.6.4 on win7 and linux, with the same result. I also increased
the max heap size of the IDE with no luck, no trace.
I have also enabled the verbose output from the IDE preferences menu with no
luck. No trace is done.
I have also converted to UTF8 both NazaLed.ino and minNAZAOSD.ino with the IDE
Tools->"Fix encoding and reload" functionality.
Please provide any additional information below.
I would like to try with the same IDE version that was used to succesfully
compile the project but I could not find the correct version.
This request is for setting up a working environment for recompiling the
minnazaosd source.
Stefano Falconetti.
Original issue reported on by
on 11 Jun 2015 at 9:03