
Still getting whea errors (LTSC)

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I moved my Windows from Win10 Pro to a LTSC version. Software was running fine on the old one, but on LTSC it seems useless since I am still gettings WHEA.

I installed .NET FW 4.8

I am as well. Same scenario. LTSC. Installed .NET 4.8.

The WHEA Suppressor service does not automatically start. I can start it manually. It runs for a bit and stops. The Windows Event Viewer is still stacking up the log files.

@innocent-rs sorry I missed your report

The service is meant to run and stop, that's normal behavior
Do you see the custom logger?
Under Computer Management, Event Viewer, Application and service Logs there should be a WHEAServiceLog folder.

There you should have some informational log events; just before the last one with Stopping there should be:

Error Sources count is 5, current status:

ID:  0 Type: 16 State: Stopped       Description: WheaErrSrcTypeDeviceDriver = 0x10, Device Driver Error Source
ID:  1 Type:  0 State: Started       Description: WheaErrSrcTypeMCE = 0x00, Machine Check Exception
ID:  2 Type:  1 State: Stopped       Description: WheaErrSrcTypeCMC = 0x01, Corrected Machine Check
ID:  3 Type:  3 State: Started       Description: WheaErrSrcTypeNMI = 0x03, Non-Maskable Interrupt
ID:  4 Type:  7 State: Started       Description: WheaErrSrcTypeBOOT = 0x07, BOOT Error Source

If you post it, could be helpful

Hi, yes I did discover more about how it works and learned that it is working properly after I posted my question.

Thank you for responding and thank you for creating this service to help mitigate some of AMD's mess. I appreciate it.