
my codes for solving algorithm problems

Primary LanguageC++

CP Codes

My codes for solving algorithm problems. Including Baekjoon OJ, Codeforces, Google Code Jam, ICPC, LeetCode, Meta Hacker Cup, SCPC, etc.

My Algorithm & Data Structure Status

Can solve problems to some extent (without cheat sheet)

  • DFS, BFS / Minimum Spanning Tree / Union Find / Sparse Table / Prefix Sum / 2D Prefix Sum / MITM / Coordinate Compression / Segment Tree / Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation / Inclusion–exclusion Principle / Bitmask DP / Topological Sort / Random / Basic Sqrt-Time Algorithms / Fraction Data Type / Rabin-Karp Algorithm

Can solve problems to some extent (with cheat sheet)

  • Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall / SCC, 2-SAT / BCC / Euclidean Algorithms / LCA in O(logN) (Sparse Table) / Heavy-Light Decomposition / Euler Tour Technique / Trie / Manacher's Algorithm / Z Algorithm / CCW Algorithm / Convex Hull / Rotating Callipers / Ray Casting / Bulldozer Trick / Minimum Enclosing Circle / Sieve / Catalan Number, Derangement Number / Fenwick Tree / Persistent Segment Tree / Fermat's Little Theorem / Binomial Coefficient / Matrix / Li Chao Tree / Sqrt Decomposition, Mo's Algorithm / Rotation Matrix, Manhattan Distance, Chebyshev Distance / Ternary Search / LIS in O(NlogN) / System of Difference Constraints

Learned but need a lot of practice

  • Convex Hull Trick / KMP Algorithm / Aho-Corasick / Suffix Array / FFT / Maximum Flow / Bipartite Matching / Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem / MCMF / Knuth Opt / Monotone Queue Opt / DnC Opt / Small to Large Trick / Merge Sort Tree / Euler Circuit / Centroid Decomposition / Parallel Binary Search / Euler's Phi Function / Sort by Angular

Have to learn in the future

  • Sprague-Grundy Theorem / Chinese Remainder Theorem / Gauss-Jordan Elimination / Miller-Rabin Primality Test / Pollard's Rho Algorithm / Bitset / Fast IO / Lucas's Theorem / Discrete Logarithm / Connection Profile DP / Sparse Table O(1) RMQ / Region Trick / Aliens Trick / Splay Tree / Segment Tree Beats / SOS DP / Burnside Lemma / Möbius Inversion Formula / Kitamasa Method / Berlekamp-Massey