
Simple and customizable text tokenization gem.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

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Textoken is a Ruby library for text tokenization. This gem extracts words from text with many customizations. It can be used in many fields like Web Crawling and Natural Language Processing.

## Basic Usage

require 'textoken'

Textoken('Software is like sex: it\'s better when it\'s free. \'Linus Tolvards\'').tokens
# => ["Software", "is", "like", "sex", ":", "it", "'", "s", "better", "when", "it", "'", "s", "free", ".", "'", "Linus", "Tolvards", "'"]

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa is at home.').tokens
# => ["Oh", ",", "no", "!", "Alfa", "is", "at", "home", "."]

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa is at home.').words
# => ["Oh,", "no!", "Alfa", "is", "at", "home."]

## Customization

require 'textoken'

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa is at home.', only: 'punctuations').tokens
# => ["Oh", ",", "no", "!", "home", "."]

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa is at home.', exclude: 'punctuations', more_than: 3).tokens
# => ["Alfa"]

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa is at 01/01/2000 with $1000.', only: 'dates, numerics').words
# => ["01/01/2000", "$1000."]

Textoken('Oh, no! Alfa 2000 is at home.', only_regexp: '^[0-9]*$').tokens
# => ["2000"]

You can combine all options. 'Only' and 'Exclude' Options support multiple option values like only: 'punctuations, dates, numerics'

Public interface of Textoken presents two methods, tokens & words

# => ["Alfa", "."]
# => splits punctuations by default whereas,

# => ["Alfa."]
# => does not split punctuations.

Current Options

  • only: Accepts any regexp defined in option_values.yml

  • only_regexp: Accepts any regexp but only one regexp can be given.

  • exclude: Accepts any regexp defined in option_values.yml

  • exclude_regexp Accepts any regexp but only one regexp can be given.

  • less_than: Accepts any integer bigger than 1.

  • more_than: Accepts any positive integer.

## Option Meanings

  • only: If a word in text consist of a regexp or regexps, only option includes it in result.

  • only_regexp: If a word in text consist of user given regexp, only_regexp option includes it in result.

  • exclude: If a word in text does not have a regexp at some part, exclude option excludes it from result. Opposite of only.

  • exclude_regexp: If a word in text does not have user given regexp at some part, exclude option excludes it from result. Opposite of only_regexp.

  • less_than: Filters result by the word length less than the option value given.

  • more_than: Filters result by the word length bigger than the option value given.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'textoken'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install textoken

Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby implementations:

  • Ruby 2.0.0

  • Ruby 2.1

  • Ruby 2.2.5

  • Ruby 2.3.1

  • Ruby 2.4.6

  • Ruby 2.5.5

  • Ruby 2.6.3

  • Ruby ruby-head

  • JRuby

If something doesn't work on one of these versions, it's a bug. This library may also work (or seem to work) on other Ruby versions or implementations, however support will only be provided for the implementations listed above.


Feel free to add any regepx to lib/regexps/option_values.yml but please add a simple test to 'single options' part at textoken_spec.rb

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request