
League Standings table format

sartaj10 opened this issue · 3 comments


When viewing the Serie A standings table, one of the columns was not formatted correctly. Could be because the team name is pretty long

screen shot 2018-03-07 at 11 12 47 am


  • NodeJS version (if applicable): v6.11.2
  • Football CLI version: 0.13.12


Expected behaviour

Steps to recreate

football standings -l SA
football standings -l ELC

People to notify


Hey, this looks like a bug in cli-table dependency. Upgrading to cli-table2 seems to fix this. Thanks for reporting this. Will fix this soon.

This should be fixed in #25. I'll make a release soon and let you know. Till then, you can check if it fixes for you by checking out master.

@sartaj10 Made a release with this fix. Please try v0.14.0 and let me know if it is fixed.