Installing plugin breaks issue links in bug_view_inc
Closed this issue · 7 comments
The bug_view_inc.php displays the various sections/notes and produces urls for buglinks. However, when this plugin's formatted() funtion is called when dsplaying the bug, it strips the a hrefs that the MantisBTFormatting plugin makes
. Possibly related to #64?
BBCodePlus.php string_process_bbcode()
if ( ON == $this->t_MantisCoreFormatting_process_urls ) { $p_string = string_strip_hrefs( $p_string ); }
Which version are you using? the latest master (or latest release)?
ah. i believe i did a git clone to get this plugin, so yes the master branch. ill double check that and post back if i'm wrong. Should I grab the released version? Whats the best way to tell which I have? I really cant remember how I got this one Ive done so much installing the last several weeks
Current version in master is 2.1.9 (it should say this on the plugins list). Also please make sure Mantis Core Formatting plugin is enabled.
crap im several versions behind (2.1.6)... im not used to someone making so may updates in such a short amount of time haha, a lot of these plugins are unmaintained it seems. ill install the latest and see yeah, I go in spurts, when I have time to address. And a few guys help out with PRs. You can either try to keep your clone up to date, or you can check out the releases page as well.
yeah that was it. Im really sorry to have wasted your time.
Thank you for your contributions! In return I have 6 plugins I made that I'm about to transfer to mantisbt-plugins, I hope you can find one or some of them useful when I can get them up :)
No issues man, thanks for contributing. Closing issue.