
Stale services in Consul

scalp42 opened this issue · 9 comments

After multiple deployments, I have a single service running in Marathon:

But unfortunately, Consul has some stale info in it:

The only app per Marathon should be running on 31263 but you can see that Consul is populated with some old tasks:

Any ideas ?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Check fix/service-cleanup branch. The wrong address was being used at deregistration

@ChrisAubuchon thanks a lot for the help!! Do you know if there'll be a master branch with both branches merged in ? (Trying to figure if we could do without forking)

There will be. Can you test the fix/service-cleanup branch and let me know if it fixes your issue? If it does I'll merge it in.

Do you know by any chance how to pull the branch with go get (without forking) ?

Going to fork for now to get this going.

I would run git clone -b fix/service-cleanup instead of go get

/opt/go/src/ c.ServiceName undefined (type *config.Config has no field or method ServiceName)
/opt/go/src/ c.ServiceTags undefined (type *config.Config has no field or method ServiceTags)

I merged it to master. You should be able to go get it now

Okay gonna try right now, give me 20 mins to rinse/repeat tasks.

Looks good! Thanks @ChrisAubuchon