
pandoc-eqnos --include-in-header style

dhimmel opened this issue · 1 comments

In #274, we update pandoc-eqnos from version 1.4 to 2.1. Now when we run the pandoc HTML build command, we get the following output:

pandoc-eqnos: Wrote the following blocks to header-includes.  If you
use pandoc's --include-in-header option then you will need to manually
include these yourself.

    <!-- pandoc-eqnos: equation style -->
      .eqnos { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; }
      .eqnos br { display: none; }
      .eqnos-number { position: absolute; right: 0em; top: 50%; line-height: 0; }

We do not specify --include-in-header, but we do use other --include-* options:


Lines 30 to 58 in 7cf9071

# Create HTML output
echo >&2 "Exporting HTML manuscript"
pandoc --verbose \
--from=markdown \
--to=html5 \
--filter=pandoc-fignos \
--filter=pandoc-eqnos \
--filter=pandoc-tablenos \
--bibliography="$BIBLIOGRAPHY_PATH" \
--csl="$CSL_PATH" \
--metadata link-citations=true \
--include-after-body=build/themes/default.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/table-scroll.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/anchors.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/accordion.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/tooltips.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/jump-to-first.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/link-highlight.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/table-of-contents.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/lightbox.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/attributes.html \
--mathjax \
--variable math="" \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/math.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/hypothesis.html \
--include-after-body=build/plugins/analytics.html \
--output=output/manuscript.html \

From the output HTML, I see the following:

<!-- pandoc-eqnos: equation style -->
.eqnos { display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; }
.eqnos br { display: none; }
.eqnos-number { position: absolute; right: 0em; top: 50%; line-height: 0; }

So I think we can disregard the warning.

Here's the related pandoc-eqnos source code.

Perhaps we want to suppress this warning if there's an easy way to do that?

Closing since there is no action needed. Can reopen if warranted.