
Functionality questions

gracehcoote opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there, I have a couple of questions about how this plugin works. I can see in the settings details that you must add the Google Analytics tracking code in there as an option - my question is, does this mean I should not place the full tracking snippet that Analytics supplies onto the site itself? Does using this plugin with just the GA code add in the full tracking code if a user accepts?

My second question is regarding what happens once the cookies are accepted and the cookie bar disappears. This is the setup I use as it keeps the page clean, however my question is, what if the user wants to change their cookie preferences afterwards? If I were to include on the Cookie Policy page a checkbox which the user can untick, is there a way to use this to unset the preferences set in the plugin?

Thanks in advance!

ru-ka commented

Hi there, I have a couple of questions about how this plugin works. I can see in the settings details that you must add the Google Analytics tracking code in there as an option - my question is, does this mean I should not place the full tracking snippet that Analytics supplies onto the site itself? Does using this plugin with just the GA code add in the full tracking code if a user accepts?

From what I've seen, it works exactly as you described.

ru-ka commented

My second question is regarding what happens once the cookies are accepted and the cookie bar disappears. This is the setup I use as it keeps the page clean, however my question is, what if the user wants to change their cookie preferences afterwards?

You can, as described in the README.MD, set hideAfterClick to false in order to let the window of GlowCookies stay minimized after refusal or consent.

If I were to include on the Cookie Policy page a checkbox which the user can untick, is there a way to use this to unset the preferences set in the plugin?

As shown here, GlowCookies uses the local storage API in order to store cookies consent preferences. I think you can build a simple script that can modify/read this propriety. The key is GlowCookies, value 1 represents that consent has been given and value 0 represents that consent has been refused.

Hi there, thanks for taking the time to reply!

You can, as described in the README.MD, set hideAfterClick to false in order to let the window of GlowCookies stay minimized after refusal or consent.

Yes I was aware of this setting, but didn't actually want the Cookie box to always be visible.

As shown here, GlowCookies uses the local storage API in order to store cookies consent preferences. I think you can build a simple script that can modify/read this propriety. The key is GlowCookies, value 1 represents that consent has been given and value 0 represents that consent has been refused.

Thanks for this, I'll have a better look into it and see what I can put together!