Work in progress
TLDR; RESTful API autogenerated from Symfony+Doctrine entities. Go to docs to see how it looks like.
To get started, install this bundle in your Symfony project, and register it in AppKernel.
composer require eyja/rest-bundle dev-master
# /app/AppKernel.php
new Eyja\RestBundle\EyjaRestBundle()
Create new bundle for Your REST API:
php app/console generate:bundle \
--no-interaction --namespace=Acme/RestBundle --dir=src --format=yml
Change autogenerated routing definition for new bundle to look something like this:
# app/config/routing.yml
prefix: /api/v1/
resource: @AcmeRestBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
type: rest
Create new doctrine entitiy:
php app/console generate:doctrine:entity \
--no-interaction --entity=AcmeRestBundle:Cat \
--fields="name:string(100)" --format=yml
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Define serialization for this entity:
# src/Acme/RestBundle/Resources/serializer/Entity.Cat.yml
type: integer
groups: [collection, single]
type: string
groups: [collection, single]
Create simplest controller ever, no class required just service:
# src/Acme/RestBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
parent: eyja_rest.abstract_controller
arguments: [AcmeRestBundle:Cat, cat]
tags: [ { name: rest.controller } ]
Viola! You can use your new api:
php app/console router:debug
rest_cat_getSingle GET ANY ANY /api/v1/cat/{id}
rest_cat_getCollection GET ANY ANY /api/v1/cat
rest_cat_create POST ANY ANY /api/v1/cat
rest_cat_update PUT ANY ANY /api/v1/cat/{id}
rest_cat_delete DELETE ANY ANY /api/v1/cat/{id}
curl -XPOST http://localhost/app_dev.php/cat -HContent-Type:\ application/json \
curl -XGET http://localhost/app_dev.php/cat/1
curl -XPUT http://localhost/app_dev.php/cat/1 -HContent-Type:\ application/json \
-d'{"name":"Lucifer -.-"}'
{"id":1,"name":"Lucifer -.-"}
curl -XGET http://localhost/app_dev.php/cat
curl -XDELETE http://localhost/app_dev.php/cat/1
# Empty response, http status code 204
To see more complex example see demo bundle, featuring custom routes and advanced serialization.