
Die Zahl '@qrversion' muss gößer oder gleich 0 sein. [Zeile 0002]

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Actually validating a QR-code outputed from this lib v.3.0.2 I got :

Someone know how they determines qrversion value and why it is "-1" instead "0" by default and sometimes 10?


This looks like a nonsense error message that brings internal details of the validation software to the surface.

It looks like "@qrversion" refers to the QR code version. It is basically the size of the QR code (see Version -1 does not exist. It would basically be a QR code with negative size.

Most likely, it indicates that the QR code could not be scanned.

I have successfully validated many bills at So it's unlikely to be a general problem. Can you provide the specific QR bill that you tried to validate?

@manuelbl what reactivity ! :)
Here you are :


(i successfully validate many qrcode, but some are not valid, like this one)

If I download the PNG and validate it, I get the same error message even though the validation software was obviously able to decode the data in the QR code.

If I then scale the image up to 200% and upload it again, it successfully validates.

I guess the error message is non-sense. Either ignore it or open a request on the validation web site.

I agree with this.

(especially since they refuse if we upload pdf, and invalidate image)

Or upload higher resolution images...