
Image Not Loading?

trig79 opened this issue · 1 comments

trig79 commented


Am I misunderstanding the instructions?
when I click the image icon here
I choose a picture from my local directory but nothing is rendered and the uploaded call back isn't triggered?

            :hideGist ="true"

import Editor from 'vuejs-medium-editor'

export default {
    name: 'ArticleWrite',
    data() {
        return {
            content: '',
            options: {
                toolbar: {
                    buttons: [
                                name: "image",
                                action: "image",
                                aria: "insert image from url",
                                tagNames: ["img"],
                                contentDefault: "<b>image</b>",
                                contentFA: '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>'
    components: {
        'medium-editor': Editor,
    methods: {
        onChange() {
        uploadCallback(url) {
            console.log('uploaded url', url)

<style scoped></style>

thanks in advance for any guidance

Hello @trig79, the file uploader uses vue-upload-component package and you need to provide the options; uploadUrl - POST endpoint where image is saved, uploadUrlHeader and maybe file_size
The POST endpoint should return a {data: {link: 'image-link'}}
Or you could use imgur, like below in options

uploadUrl: '',
        uploadUrlHeader: { Authorization: 'Client-ID db856b43cc7f441' },
        file_input_name: 'image',
        file_size: 1024 * 1024 * 10,
        imgur: false,