
Minor path issue

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Line 155 of pdftex.js:

curry(self, 'FS_createLazyFilesFromList', ['/', 'texlive.lst', './texlive/', true, true]),

This produces paths with double slashes in them, e.g., /texlive//texmf.cnf

Many web servers will merge consecutive slashes in an URL so this doesn't cause a problem (I think Apache does this by default, actually, at least mine does), but some don't. For example, Amazon S3 doesn't merge slashes.

Changing the line to:

curry(self, 'FS_createLazyFilesFromList', ['/', 'texlive.lst', './texlive', true, true]),

(trailing slash removed from '.texlive/')

makes the example code work when served out of Amazon S3 without breaking the code for Apache (again, based on my Apache install).

Thanks, @tonyhursh!
I just fixed it.