
Compatibility Table

Opened this issue · 2 comments

@manuels Thanks for making this library :)

I was curious to know what things of texlive are not supported in texlive.js.
For example, are the following supported:

  • custom fonts
  • including png, ps images
  • normal bibtex support
  • custom classes (+ how to load them, for example for using a specific page layout and fonts)

Could you please create an examples page, similar to the one you created for hpdf.js? That would indeed help a lot with the above.


Hi, sorry for my late reponse. I'm pretty busy right now.

About the image formats: all formats that are supported by pdflatex are also supported by this js version of pdflatex - though I doubt that png is one of them. It was ported here:
You can add your additional classes. See here for how you add them to pdflatex.js' virtual filesystem:
bibtex is an additional programm. I

Thanks for your response! :)
I can see the way it can be done, but could you create a simple example in a page so that newcomers will find it easier to use? Thank you in advance.